Curriculum Transformation

One of the ways we are bringing to life our strategic focus on learning and teaching is through the Curriculum Transformation Programme.

Five students sit around a table working on a large screen.

This programme of work is reviewing the shape, design, and delivery of the University’s curriculum to make sure it meets the needs of our future students. 

Our ambition 

Our students should leave with a foundation for their future lives, enriched with the skills and knowledge to be ethical citizens of the world, well prepared for their future career. 

For staff, the curriculum should be inspiring and exciting to deliver, with the underpinning systems, policies and processes in place to allow them to do that. 


At the heart of Curriculum Transformation is collaboration and dialogue with staff, students and other stakeholders both internally and externally to help shape our future curriculum. 

This process of co-design has been used to create an Edinburgh Student Vision, a set of design principles for our new curriculum, and new curriculum architecture at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. 

Work is ongoing to flesh out these principles and architectures and help colleagues across the University integrate them into their courses and programmes. 

A group of students gather around a table working on their laptops.

More information 

For staff and students, there’s a wealth of information on the Curriculum Transformation Hub, including how to get involved and co-create our future curriculum. 

Curriculum Transformation Hub (EASE login)

If you are not working or studying at the University of Edinburgh, you can find out more on our dedicated web pages. 

Curriculum Transformation Programme